Drying siliceous sands in Segovia

Drying Siliceous Sands

The drying of siliceous sands in Segovia is an activity that in Arenas Silíceas Gómez Vallejo we have been developing for over a hundred years, so the experience supports us. All together with a quality products with excellent finishes.

The treatment of siliceous sands is not easy, that is why we give it a special treatment, so that our clients find in the finish an exceptional product, difficult to match. Likewise, it is very important to carry out a good conservation of the land, the protection and restoration of the same, as well as a shallow control of the discharged waste.


It is important, to ensure the quality of the final product, to carry out inspections and controls of the extracted raw materials, in this case granulometric tests, humidity, clays, among others. We also repeat the controls of various stages of the production process, to ensure that quality has not been lost in it.

Product specifications are taken as a reference and compared to the results obtained, in order to faithfully determine the composition of the products you have examined.


The process consists of three distinct phases:

  • Extracción


The appropriate machinery is used to give the silica a first treatment.



Next, a washing of the raw material is carried out, among other things to eliminate organic materials.

  • Secado


In this phase the silica dries, where we can get different granulometric curves for our customers



This time the different wet and dry products of different sizes are packed



Finally, the products are distributed to our customers, in different ways.


Within our company we sell and supply both national and international works, so if you have a demand for this type of material, do not hesitate to contact us and we will advise you at all times on the best choice you can take.

Drying siliceous sands in Segovia